
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Work in Progress

This blog - right alongside me - is a "WORK IN PROGRESS."  I am going to start writing again soon, but for now I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how I can improve what I have started.

As I have been taking time to gather my own thoughts and ideas for blogging - and for life - I would love it if you would share your ideas with me, too.  Afterall, if we can't learn from each other, why bother writing at all?

Thanks everyone!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ok, I have to admit it...I am a HUGE perfectionist.  I don't necessarily like that about myself at all times, but it's part of who I am.  I analyze every little detail and I agonize over things not being just right...

...maybe that's why I love crafts so much...I get to be totally in control of them and can make them as perfect as I need want them to be... I had a fantastic day for MANY reasons.  None of those reasons involved my typical definition of perfect.  For example:
  • for the majority of my day, my house was a COMPLETE mess (there were things strewn all over the place)
  • I did not get to cross off everything on my sacred "To-Do" list (in fact, I only crossed out 1 thing)
  • there was a LOT of noise...mostly coming from the TV and Nintendo Wii (I'm not a huge fan of TV or video games)
  • I washed some of my own baby clothes (for Gracie), and as I was about to put them into the dryer, I noticed that I had dyed them pink (with splotches of red) because I had washed them with a tiny red velvet Christmas dress
Anway, I want it to be clear that I am not complaining at all.  I really mean it when I say that I had a fantastic day. 

In fact, I would be willing to call it a PERFECT day, because now that I am sitting in bed with my hubby watching Deadliest Catch, my baby peacefully in dream land beside me in her bassinet, and my dog totally asleep on the floor by her, I realize that I am completely content.  I am happy. 

Why? you  might ask...

  • I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, and it was my best friend (who just so happened to buy the house next to ours two years ago with her husband and two boys)
  • Within ten minutes my house was bustling with the sound of my baby cooing and two little boy voices laughing, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, and the feeling of total love and friendship. 
  • Nichole, my best friend, is looking for a dress to wear to her husband's five year college reunion, so she brought one of her dresses and then tried it on followed by about 6 of mine.  I had my own private fashion show - with lots of giggles and fun - and Nichole found a FREE dress to wear for the weekend!  BTW, she looks LOVELY!
  • After Nichole took her youngest son back home, her 5 year old stayed the afternoon with Grace and me!  We had a LOT of fun together...Grace and I watched him play MarioKart, we shared berry smoothies and an apple, and played with bubbles on the front porch.  We also made a huge snuggle nest for Trevor to sit in while he was playing Wii.
  • My husband returned home from work and we shared dinner with Nichole and the kids.
  • I have my Keurig Machine set up and ready to go (for the first time) for tomorrow morning!
...and as I reflect I realize how very blessed I am to be in the shoes that I wear.  I have a fantastic family, the best friends ever, wonderful pets, and overall, a pretty fabulous life. 

That's why I think today was the "PERFECT" day...not because each detail was perfect, but because each detail built together with the rest made me realize I have to focus more on the important things in life - not the things, but the people and the connections that I have and can make. 

I guess I should mention a little bit of history between our neighbors (Shawn and Nichole) and us (Joel and myself).  Joel and Shawn have been best friends for a LONG time.  They went to the same elementary, middle, and high school.  It was sometime during High School that Joel and Shawn introduced Nichole and me.  We became fast friends, too. Then Shawn and Joel went to college together at Lafayette College in Easton, PA (Joel commuted while Shawn lived on campus).  Shawn and Nichole had their first little one after college and got married.  Eventually Joel and I got married and moved into our current house.  We wanted Shawn and Nichole to move into the neighborhood, and Shawn jokingly said "...only if the house next to you goes for sale..."  Well, guess what?  Yup - about a week later the house next door had a sign in it, and they moved in next door!  Joel and Shawn now work together about an hour away and commute to work together.  Since they lived here they have had a second son and Joel and I have had Grace.  They are about a year and a half apart from one another, but actually all three of them get along well...we all do!  How cool is that?   

IDEA FOR YOU: If you are like me and look into every little detail until it is perfect, try to take a day and enjoy it for what it is.  Find out what is important to YOU (besides perfection), and focus on that.  Enjoy the day for what it is and then write about it.  Put the writing somewhere that you will see it each day as a reminder to yourself to "chill out."  Eventually it will become second nature.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Birthday Thoughts

I find it amazing that I am already celebrating my 25th birthday, but I feel like it is kind of a big that requires me to really think about my future - my next 25 years.

By the time I celebrate my 50th birthday 25 years from now, my baby girl (who is sleeping so soundly and peacefully beside me in her bassinet) will be less than a year away from her 25th birthday.  When people say that time really flies, I guess they really mean it!

There are so many things that I want to strive for in the next chapter in my life, and I think that this line of thought will be carried through into the next few days...maybe even weeks.  I think, though, that my biggest goal for myself and in turn for my family,  is to find happiness, comfort, and peace from each other and from our surroundings every day.  I hope that we are also able to bring these things to others, too. 

What is life if we can't help each other and those in need?

I think that I will continue this line of thought in other posts, but until then I would LOVE to hear from YOU!  Do you try to create goals for yourself on a regular basis (most people make New Years Resolutions...I make Birthday Resolutions)?  If you had to choose ONE major goal for yourself for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Do you think you could reach it?

A Letter of Thanks to My Parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

     Today as I turn 25, I am overcome with gratitude to the both of you.  I have always felt blessed to have such a wonderful family - 2 great parents and a wonderful brother - but now that I am a parent, too...I feel as though I have a new understanding of exactly how blessed I am.
     When Grace was born, my life was changed...and I know that it always will be.  I would not change my life for the world now that I am a mom.  I love every second that I get to spend with my baby girl, but I also now realize the work, dedication, love, and patience that it takes to be a parent. 
     With this understanding comes even more gratitude toward you both.  Looking back at my childhood you made being parents look easy.  You seemed to move through each day seemlessly.  I was about to say effortlessly, but I know that it is not true - because I know that you worked hard to provide Ross and I with the wonderful life that we had - and still have.  I had an amazing childhood, and I am now blessed to have both of my parents as two of my very best brother, too.
     So as I celebrate my 25th birthday, I would like to celebrate you, too.  Without you, there would be no me, and afterall, I don't remember my actual "BIRTH"day, but I know you both do...and I know that each one of my birthdays bring back many memories for the both of you as I know Joel and I will both remember Grace's birth on each of her birthdays.
     Thank you for everything that you have done to make my life the happy place that it is.  I love you both very much, and I always will. 

P.S.  Thank you for spending the day with Grace and me today.  I really enjoyed breakfast and spending all that time with the both of you!

IDEA FOR YOU: Do you have a birthday coming up?  I know you all LOVE to make others happy, so why not write your own "Birthday Thank You" to someone who makes your life special?  It could be parents, siblings, friends, spouses, children, ANYONE!  Make sure to thank all of the special "gifts" that you have been blessed with. 

Monday, May 31, 2010


I hope that through writing on this blog I will be able to discover more of myself so that I can be the best mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend possible.

I hope to meet many new friends who will help to inspire me as I hope I can inspire them.

I hope that I will find some peace and relaxation through sitting with my laptop and a cup of coffee while I explore life through text and pictures.

I hope that I will be challenged to see things in a new light each day and to use those things to enhance my blog.

I hope to DISCOVER. I hope to INSPIRE and to BE INSPIRED. I hope to find PEACE and RELAXATION.  I hope to EXPLORE life.  I hope to be CHALLENGED.

...and these are just the things that I hope for this new creative endeavor.  I am full of HOPE for all areas of my life and the lives of others.  In honor of all of our service men and women today on Memorial Day, I sincerely HOPE for much safety and health to them all, and I hope for love and patience to fill their families' hearts.
What do you HOPE?  I would love to get to know you, so please add a comment!